"Miracles happen everyday, change your perception of what a miracle is and you'll see them all around you." -- Jon Bon Jovi
If rock stars can believe in miracles, so can you.
Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks on the inside -- the heart of the matter.
We should change our perception so we acknowledge miracles.
It's a common problem in the media. Some news organizations distance themselves from any reference to God, Jesus, or miracles, even when it’s germane to the story.
Such is the case with Morgan Lake whose car plunged 40 feet off Maryland's Chesapeake Bay Bridge into the water below. Incredibly, Morgan managed to survive the horrifying ordeal. Many news outlets have reported her dramatic escape from death after her car but her mother explained to me, when I met both of them Tuesday, that some of those stations and networks deleted Morgan's words of gratitude to God.
During my interview with Morgan, she emphasized that she wanted the whole story told. She wanted me to let you know how God's supernatural power gave her superhuman strength to break free from a watery grave. So, here's the rest of the story.
In this age of cynicism and abandonment of faith, Morgan's story is a dramatic reminder that God is real.
Morgan Lake of Dunkirk, Maryland is a vibrant and enthusiastic young woman. The 22-year-old college student is majoring in communications. She dreams of becoming a Sports anchor or host of a television show. Morgan also teaches gymnastics and cheerleading to young girls.
Morgan is the kind of young woman that makes people feel good about life. She always seeks to provide people with encouragement and inspiration.
That’s how Morgan lives, loving God and loving people.
On Friday, July 18 at 8 p.m., Morgan was enjoying one of her best days ever. Everything was just going her way.
It is a day that she will never forget.
Early evening along the Chesapeake Bay can be a wonderful time of day, especially when the sun is just beginning to set; it’s simply beautiful.
As Morgan was driving across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, she was feeling the euphoria of having one of those spectacular moments in time. Then suddenly...calamity struck.
It all happened in an instant, in a blink of an eye, but it felt like an eternity.
Morgan had slowed her car to a stop on the bridge for a toll. In her rear view mirror, as she blinked her eyes, she could see a large tractor trailer truck approaching.
As she blinked her eyes again as the truck showed no sign of slowing down. After the third blink of her eyes…Bam!
Morgan heard the thunderous crashing as the truck rammed into the rear of her car. The momentum of the truck began pushing Morgan’s car forward. She could see the jersey wall and the water below.
Her mind was frantically racing with thoughts and prayers for her car to stop on the bridge. Please, don’t go over this bridge into the water, she thought. Morgan felt helpless and she reasoned in her mind, “this is it! I’m going to die!”
There was no way of escape. Morgan’s car was jerked like a rollercoaster. Her greatest fear soon became a reality.
After being pushed along, on the top of the barrier between the bridge and the water, Morgan’s car was now plunging into the treacherous waters below. As the car quickly submerged beneath the water’s surface, fear and panic gripped Morgan.
Her seatbelt was locked and would not open, her arms were now flailing about, and her mouth and body were filling up with water.
Morgan says; “I started to feel the drowning sensation. I didn’t like how it felt.” With that, she felt a rush of hope as she told herself; “I’m not going out this way -- I’m not dying.”
Then suddenly... fortune struck.
Morgan says in that moment of defying death she reached out to God. And she claims God turned her situation around; “I just felt as if God touched my shoulder and pushed me back against my car into my seat to relax me.”
Morgan says that divine intervention allowed her to unlock her seat belt and then pull herself out of the driver side window, swim to the surface, then swimming to shore where help arrived.
Morgan’s story is being told all around the world. It is being described as a modern day miracle.
Morgan explained to me that she knows some people don’t believe in God. But now, she says; “They can look at me. They can look at the video of the bridge and my car being pulled from the water.”
Morgan adds; “As long as you have God with you, he will be there to support you through everything; even going over a bridge.”
In this age of cynicism and abandonment of faith, Morgan’s story is a dramatic reminder that God is real. Miracles happen every day; they’re just not reported.
If you doubt it, just take a look in the mirror. You’re a miracle, a work of art, and a masterpiece of God-your creator.
Morgan's family is strong on faith, hope and love. One of the family's favorite scriptures that applies to Morgan's near death experience is taken from the book of Numbers, chapter 14-verse 17; “Now may the Lord’s strength be displayed, just as you have declared."
Morgan, keep declaring it!
Some people find it easy to give up or quit when they face difficult situations. Morgan’s story is an example about overcoming tremendous adversity through faith in God.
Your frightening ordeal may not be a bridge over troubled waters. But suddenly, you could be going through something that causes you to fear or to doubt. It could be unemployment, foreclosure, bankruptcy, sickness, or more.
Just know that while we all experience setbacks, God suddenly shows up to turn our setbacks into setups for a comeback.
So, follow Morgan’s example; starve your fear and feed your faith. Your soul will be greatly satisfied in knowing that something good is going to happen to you. Live your life expecting miracles. Change your perception; they’re all around you.
This was an awesome story. To go from feeling like you're drowning to a peaceful place and then to be able to break free of the seat belt and make it to the surface is amazing.
To survive such a fall into the waters truly is miraculous. It feels good to be reminded that miracles do happen.
It really is an amazing miracle to see how she survived in such a seemingly helpless situation. Fantastic.
Morgan's story is a great share on the miracle happening.
I absolutely agree with what John Bon Jovi said. Miracles are everywhere you just can't see them.
A believable miracle, a great happening for the lady.
I agree that we should change our perception to see the miracles around us. They happen every day!
This is such a wonderful miracle. Feeding faith is the answer.
Wow what a miracle!!!
I just loved this story when I was done reading it. It truly is an amazing miracle that this woman survived what she did.
This story is one of the best stories I have read in a while! This is indeed a miracle!
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