Jul 21, 2013

Can You Hear God's Voice? Gary Whetstone Says Yes!

This week Gary Whetstone was featured on Sid Roth. They discussed the process of hearing God's voice.
This is the second time I have watched Gary on his show. Gary has a miraculous background. He was saved from having a lobotomy which would have rendered him incapacitated for the rest of his life. He was rescued and escaped from a terrible situation in which he was placed on his path to do God's work. He also accounts hearing God's voice after divorcing his first wife. He was guided to return back to his marriage and make amends. His marriage still goes on strong today.

While he was taping an announcement about his tour to Israel, he had a vision where he saw history flash before him and he saw many people he knew, some he knew closely. And he saw they were hearing God's voice but not obeying. He was told that if the people he saw in  his vision did not change what actions and course they were taking in life, if they didn's listen to what God was sying to them, what they built up would be burned. In addition, Gary was told that he was not hearing God's voice and he had to make some drastic chnages in his life of his communication with God would be outed like a light on a candle. If you watch this part on the video, he shows to interesting examples on how you could think you are doing what is right and then you find out that you must make a change.

Gary brought up many interesting points during his interview. He discussed something I have experienced.
In a prayer meeting, you hear someone who has received a divine word of knowledge through prayer. Then someone else interrupts and tries to interpret or complete the meaning. Gary discusses that we may hear the beginning of what God is trying to tell us, but, most often we end up doing the wrong thing because we complete the thought by replacing it with our own thoughts. We need to let God finish speaking.

He also states that when we pray, God does not answer worry. Cast your fears and worries aside and rest in his hands. Gary's news series teaches how to hear his voice. See the video interview with Sid:

I wish this author was available on Amazon Kindle because I would really love to read this as an e-book.