Jul 5, 2013

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Offering Hope To Thousands Of Hispanics Through PazConDios.net

 According to 2010 census data, nearly 37 million people in the United States speak Spanish as their first language. Further, Spanish is recognized as the third most common language among Internet users worldwide. With this in mind, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) has expanded its online evangelism ministry by launching PazConDios.net, a Spanish-language site that shares the love and hope of Jesus.

Over the past year, an average of more than 2,500 people every day have visited the site, with 600,000 viewing a Gospel presentation about hope in Jesus, and 78,000 registering that they prayed to make a commitment to Christ. PazConDios.net was first launched in June 2012.

"It has been this organization's mission for more than 60 years to reach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ," said John Cass, BGEA's Director for Internet Evangelism. "For decades, Billy Graham would fill entire stadiums with an audience seeking to hear his message. Today, we have the ability to not only reach an arena, but reach around the world. As we continue to develop our online evangelism and expand the languages in which we minister, cyberspace has become the largest arena yet."

The ministry uses a unique combination of Google ads and compelling video presentations to invite visitors into the site. When a question such as "¿Existe un Dios?" or "¿Hay esperanza?" is entered into Google, the searcher is pointed to landing pages and then given the opportunity to click into PazConDios.net. There, they will be able to view the Gospel message and testimonies of what God has done in the lives of real people. "When someone clicks through to PazConDios.net, they are shown that, yes, there is a God, and, yes, He does love them dearly," said Cass.

After viewing the content of the site, the visitor is given the opportunity to register a commitment to Jesus and is provided with follow-up materials to help develop their new-found faith. The BGEA is also currently laying the groundwork for a network of trained and vetted volunteers who can answer spiritual questions and offer encouragement via chat. Spanish-speaking Christians who are interested in volunteering are encouraged to contact BGEA by visiting EnbuscadeJesus.net or e-mailing EnbuscadeJesus@bgea.org.

BGEA's English-language version of PazConDios.netPeaceWithGod.net, was launched in 2011, and has seen more than 2.6 million visitors register a decision for Christ.

Those interested in viewing the videos and Gospel presentation may visit PazConDios.net. Those interested in more information on this new ministry from the BGEA, including an up-to-the-minute map of real-time decisions being made around the world, may visit EnbuscadeJesus.net.

Source: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association


Unknown said...

I like that there is a website out there from the Billy Graham Association for people that speak Spanish. It is becoming an ever growing language in the US. It's nice to know that others do want other ethnicity's to participate and make things uniquely for them.

Madalina said...

Making changes which allow as many persons as possible to discover a spiritual path (in this case, making the site available in Spanish) is one of the steps which bring people together.

Unknown said...

Billy Graham has always been a front runner when it comes to evangelism and I think it's awesome that he's spread his teachings into the Hispanic community.

Unknown said...

I like that one of the most influential persons in evangelism has stepped up and created a site for the Spanish speaking community.

penni d said...

Missed out on Spanish courses in High School and regret now. the more people understand each other, the more peace in the world.

Nico said...

I find it a great thing that this organization is thinking od the spanish speaking people as well.

Unknown said...

This is one way to reach more people! Did not know Spanish is the third most used on the net. Time to take a course?

Unknown said...

The Billy Graham Association is doing a great job with this site in Spanish. This way the message reaches even more people all over the world.