Jul 8, 2013

FRC to Join Capitol Hill News Conference Urging Restoration of Religious Freedom in the Military, to Release New Report on Religious Hostility

On Tuesday, July 9, 2013, Family Research Council (FRC), a coalition of groups concerned about religious liberty, and Members of Congress, will participate in a Capitol Hill news conference urging support for Rep. John Fleming's (R-LA) military religious freedom amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act.   The amendment protects the right of service members to not only hold religious beliefs but to act on them and speak about them. The House Armed Services Committee adopted the amendment last month to address growing religious hostility within the military. Rep. Fleming's amendment has found bipartisan support in the House, but the Obama administration issued a statement expressing strong opposition to the amendment. A similar amendment by Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) passed the Senate Armed Services Committee with broad bipartisan support.

FRC will release a new report at the press conference documenting incidents of hostility toward religious expression in the military.

In April, religious liberty concerns were heightened after anti-Christian activist Mikey Weinstein met with senior Air Force officials at the Pentagon and pressed for the court-martial of Christian service members who share their faith. More than 170,000 Americans signed petitions calling on Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to protect the religious liberties of military personnel through policies that guarantee those liberties. Concerns among the American public increased following a Rear Admiral's speech at a National Day of Prayer event in which he recounted a story of his decision to violate military rules preventing him from giving a Bible to a soldier who had attempted suicide.

Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin executive vice president of FRC, outlined the purpose of the news conference:

"We will stand with servicemembers who wish to exercise their First amendment rights of religious liberty.  We will encourage legislation to protect the religious liberty of military members, and we will do all we can to inform the American public about the attacks on religious liberty in the military. We must do all we can to ensure that our servicemembers have the right to practice the very freedoms that they risk their lives to defend."

Tony Perkins, president, Family Research Council
Rep. John Fleming (R-LA)
Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK)
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX)
Ron Crews, Ch. (Col.) USAR (Ret.), executive director, Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty
Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin, executive vice president, Family Research Council
WHAT: News Conference on Military Religious Freedom Amendment; release of new report on religious hostility in the military

WHERE: The House Triangle

WHEN: 11:30 a.m. Eastern, Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Coalition members supporting this effort include: 

Tim Wildmon, president, American Family Association
Frank Gaffney, president, Center for Security Policy
Tom Fitton, president, Judicial Watch
Mat Staver, founder and chairman, Liberty Counsel
Gary L. Bauer, president, American Values
Tommy Sears, executive director, Center for Military Readiness

Source: Family Research Council


Madalina said...

Every person is free to have his beliefs and to adopt a certain religion, so in my opinion FRC's initiative is laudable.

Unknown said...

If this amendment passes, it will mean new religious freedom for our military members. They are risking their lives to keep us safe so I think that they should be able to practice religion if they want too.

Unknown said...

I think if the military wishes to practice religion then they should be allowed to do so. They already have chaplains in place so if they want to practice, let them practice.

penni d said...

The Military and everyone else Should have this right, as it IS what our Country was based on.

Nico said...

I think there is nothing speaking against the military forces being able to act upon their belife.

Unknown said...

I'm all for that which aids our military. They and the general public Should have freedom in religious beliefs and the ability to practice/speak of such.

Unknown said...

I think what the FRC is doing for our military is a great thing. If they want to hold religious events they should be allowed to do it.

Unknown said...

The military members should be free to practice religion just like everyone else. The FRC is doing a great thing by supporting this.