Nov 22, 2013

The red sweater

I was traveling merrily down memory lane the other day as I flipped randomly through a box of old family photos. My smile started to grow as my thoughts were suddenly overflowing with familiar faces and places of long ago. 

As I leaned over to pick up another bunch of photos, a single picture fell to the floor that stirred both my memory and soul. It was a faded school picture of my son Harley wearing an unforgettable red sweater.

Harley was about nine when that picture was taken. He was a very proper and conscientious dresser for his age, a trait he inherited from his father.

One of his beloved articles of clothing was a red sweater, which Harley so wanted to wear to school for picture day. But at dinner the night before the pictures were to be taken, he was very upset because he had somehow lost this precious sweater.

I recommended that we should take time and pray to God asking for His help with this emergency situation.

My husband was a bus driver and had been absent that night from the family dinner as he had to work the late shift.  When he got off work that evening another driver handed my husband a bag of clothing.

This driver had a son about the same size as, you guessed it, Harley. God at work, perhaps?

I searched through this bag of clothes like it was a treasure chest full of precious jewels. Then the miracle happened. There in the bag of clothes was a beautiful red sweater almost identical to the one Harley had lost.
This red sweater was a miracle from God.

The following morning Harley was beside himself as he spied the red sweater lying on the dining room table. His face was aglow as he announced for all to hear that God sure does answer prayer, doesn't He!

My prayer for my son over these many years since his proclamation about the red sweater is that the faith he had as a child will continue to mature and guide his life as he grows older.

Deane T.
Glendale, CA


Nico said...

What a beautiful story. I bet the boy was glad to have his beloved sweater back.

Anonymous said...

Positive visualization (picturing yourself or another person already owning and using the thing you/s/he need(s)) works nearly every time I've ever tried it. If something is "meant to be", it will happen. You can count on it!

Unknown said...

I bet Harley told everyone that would listen to him that God had answered his prayers!!

Unknown said...

A wonderful little story! Keeping your hopes and thoughts positive can help a lot.

Unknown said...

I think this story shows that it's always a good idea to teach children that God can answer simple prayers. Miracles can happen every day.

Madalina said...

Miracles come in all sizes and shapes, Harley's story stands as proof of that.

Unknown said...

I am so glad he kept on and on. Now he has that sweater back.

Unknown said...

What a sweet story and a reminder that we all need to have faith!

Unknown said...

What a nice story of belief.

penni d said...

makes a great read for the Christmas Season

Unknown said...

This little boy was so determined to wear his red sweater. It was lucky that the father's coworker gave him a bag of clothes that had a red sweater. This just goes to show that God hears our prayers.