Dec 25, 2013

Calif. woman who tries to rent family via Craigslist gets so much more

At William Jessup University near Sacramento, there's a junior who seems to have it all. Jackie Turner has straight As, good friends and a big heart. She works part-time as a tutor and eventually wants a career helping troubled kids.
Her future is definitely bright, but the clouds still roll in every December.
"This time of year is hard," Jackie said. "Everyone is talking about their cousins, their families, all the things that make up Christmas."
Jackie says she doesn't have any of that -- and never did.
Asked to recall some of the pleasant memories of her childhood, Jackie said, "I remember getting locked up and locked in rooms. And I remember getting beatings for stealing food."
 Born to a mother she never met and dad she wished she hadn't, Jackie said she was abused, neglected, and starved.
She's been able to move on -- for 11 months out of every year, at least. But that 12th has always posed a problem, which is why this year she decided to take action.
Jackie said, "This hurting, you're tired of it, what are you going to do? And I was like, 'Craigslist.'"
That's right, she said Craigslist -- where most people go to find a new apartment or used car, Jackie went looking for a happier holiday. Specifically, her classified said, "I want to rent a mom and dad."
"Maybe for like a couple hours -- just be like the light of their life for that moment," Jackie said.
She was even willing to pay, she said, "Eight bucks, just to sit, which for a college student is affordable."
She got dozens of responses -- about half from parents who wanted to help, for free of course -- and about half from other young people who felt the same way she did.
"People are hurting and broken and we need each other," Jackie said. "We need to be loving people. And I think that's what tonight's about. 
 Jackie held a meeting for all the people who contacted her. The purpose: to pair up the needy with the needed to make sure no one in the room feels alone this holiday season.
Jackie made about a half-a-dozen matches that night including one for herself -- a woman from university student services named Anita Hermsmeier. Jackie went into this thinking she wanted to rent a family; now she's creating them. December is looking brighter already.


Anonymous said...

Why is it, I wonder, that some children who go through such a horrible childhood just keep sliding downhill while others like Jackie raise themselves up and achieve great things? What a wonderful young lady...

penni d said...

This touching story should remind us all that if we are able, then especially during the Season, go out and touch someone that needs it,for a few hours or a few days.

Unknown said...

Sad and beautiful; Jackie sure made many people happy too!

Anonymous said...

The best thing to have at Christmas time is a family and your friends. I am absolutely moved to read that so many people answered Jackie. We should all be united, trying to show kindness to others.

Nico said...

What a heart breaking story this woman has a heart the size of the universe, I hope from now on she will only have great and joyful Christmases.

Unknown said...

I love these kinds of stories about people who choose to make a difference instead of doing nothing and complaining about how awful their life is. This young woman made many people happy.

Unknown said...

That was smart of the young lady. Maybe it will catch on and go viral in future years. Then no one would have to be alone.

Unknown said...

Jackie is a remarkable young woman that while she herself had/has a sad story...she turned it into something positive.

Unknown said...

Jackie has a heartbreaking story but it's also a heartwarming story at the same time! It's great that she not only got her family but was able to help others at the same time.

Unknown said...

This young lady is going to help a lot of people out, not just herself.

Unknown said...

This woman has one huge heart. Brought tears to my eyes reading this.