Dec 6, 2013

Trusting God, heart and sole

Recently, as I was having my prayer time with God, I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to pray that God would bless my life that day. I know after studying the Prayer of Jabez that this is a Biblical prayer and we should pray this everyday. But I had not really thought about praying this way for a while until this particular morning.

After my time with God, I went on about my day. That morning as I dressed myself for work, I put on navy blue pants. I had forgotten that my dog had chewed up my casual navy blue shoes, so I wore navy dress shoes instead, deciding to purchase some casual navy shoes during my lunch break. Arriving at work, I told a co-worker of my plans.

Although my job rarely takes me to the front office, this morning I needed to handle some matters there. As I walked past our reception area, I saw a woman who was working as a volunteer receptionist for the day coming in the front door. I held it open for her as she walked in and made a comment about the great big bag in her hand.

The lady proceeded to tell me that she had some shoes that her daughter wanted to give away and she thought she would bring them into our office and see if anyone there might want them. I looked down into the bag and I saw a wonderful pair of navy casual shoes that looked as if they had never been worn right on top. Not only that, but they were exactly the style shoe that I was going to buy. By this point, there was no question in my mind as to what size they were going to be. Sure enough, they were exactly my size! As it so happens, also on my wish list was a pair of brown dress shoes. Wouldn’t you know, the perfect brown shoes were also in the bag.

I am just amazed at the hand of God! When I think of the timing and the circumstances that God had planned to get those shoes to me, just so that I could be blessed, I am overwhelmed. First, He had to have this woman's daughter decide she wanted to get rid of these shoes. Secondly, our receptionist had to be out of town so that this woman would be coming in that day. Thirdly, this volunteer had to have the idea to bring them into the office and finally, I had to be in the office at just the right time to get them.

Something so small has made a huge impact on my life. I told everyone I saw that day about how the hand of God had blessed me. What an awesome God!

Vallie S.
Mobile, AL



Anonymous said...

We all know how the saying goes: "Ask and you shall receive." This is a perfect example for that.

Unknown said...

What a blessing the volunteer receptionist was!!

penni d said...

Nobody ever said we should only pray for the big things. This proves it!

Unknown said...

This is a nice little story.

Unknown said...

WOW, I bet she was really feeling blessed when the receptionist walked in with that bag of shoes!

Anonymous said...

As a man once told me (who showed up from nowhere when I was stranded on a very busy freeway with a flat tire and helped me): "Just know that, sometimes, when we pray for help, we get it."

Unknown said...

Goes to show you that anything or anyone can become a blessing someone can become.

Nico said...

The universe is complete abundance, you just have to ask a question.

Unknown said...

Wonderful, shows just that as long as you want it, you can get it! :D

Unknown said...

Sure is a neat story.

Unknown said...

Well.. such small things can really make your day. It's enough to pray and we may receive what we ask for if we deserve it.